בחירת מדינה אחרת

  ליצירת קשר  

{Best Workplaces in Technology™}

Great Work!

You're a finalist* for the {Best Workplaces in Technology™} List in {2022}

Your bragging rights have been unlocked! Lets go over some important details and best ways to promote your great achievement.

This list publises in:








Tuesday, October 19, 2022  | 4 p.m. EDT

{icon} Timing is important

This list will piublish on {April 9, 2022} at {07:00 EDT}.  Find your timezone.

Until then, your finalist status, and any other promotional activity related to the list, is strictly embargoed.

Your final rank and placement on the list will be revealed at at the specified date above. You'll see a 404 error page until this list is live.

Here's your toolkit

Please use the provided downloads and links to prepare for your list promotions.

List Badge

Download this years list badge for all your promotional uses.

Press Release

Customizable and full of featured content you can link to.

Certification Assets

Pair your Certification Badge with your list badge on promotions.

Promotional Assets

Want more? We've got pre-made digital assets for you here.

List Page

Link to this years list page after the embargo is reached.

Find your profile

Search for your company profile to link to on your promotions.

Licensed Badge

If you'd like to purchase a licensed badge through our partners you may do so here.

Our Methodology

View our methodology to understand how we determine placement on the list.


Promote the Right Way

This short video provides everything you need to know about celebrating your Best Workplace™ List placement.

Topics Covered:

  • List Embargo & Timing
  • Badge Usage and Licensing
  • Best channels for promotion
  • And more

List Name & Badge Options

Option 1
No Media Partner

We are pleased to offer our Best Workplaces™ list badge royalty-free! We recommend pairing alongside your Certification Badge and linking to your Certification profile page.

Use the links here for option 1

Download List Badge
Certification Badge
Option 2
Media Partner - Fortune

This list is published in partnership with Fortune magazine. Usage of both the Fortune list badge and the branded list name must be licensed through PARS Internaional. Contact PARS to learn more and get pricing.

Not licensing usage from Fortune? No worries! USe your Certification™ badge and general list name instead

PARS Licensing
Certification Badge

Leverage Your Social Channels

Use Hashtags and Tag Us
#BestWorkplaces #GPTWcertified

Gain more recognition for this achievement: Promote accross your social channels, tag Great Place To Work's handles, and use hashtags to boost the visibility of your posts. We're here to help you amplify your voice.

Need help writing your post? Check below for some sample messaging to inspire you


Sample Employee Messages

We're excited to be #X on this year's #BestWorkpalces {Best Workplaces in Technology™} List by @GPTW_US. Thanks to all of our people who make our workplace amazing! #GPTWcertified

Copy Text

Celebrate! Company Name is #X on #BestWorkpalces {Best Workplaces in Technology™} in {2022}! We couldn't be prouder of our people and our culture. @GPTW_US #GPTWcertified

Copy Text

We're houored to be #X on teh #BestWorkplaces {Best Workplaces in Technology™} List in {2022} by @GPTW_US. This isn't possible without our amazing team aound the world! #GPTWcertified

Copy Text

Sample Company Messages

We're excited to be #X on this year's #BestWorkpalces {Best Workplaces in Technology™} List by @GPTW_US. Thanks to all of our people who make our workplace amazing! #GPTWcertified

Copy Text

Celebrate! Company Name is #X on #BestWorkpalces {Best Workplaces in Technology™} in {2022}! We couldn't be prouder of our people and our culture. @GPTW_US #GPTWcertified

Copy Text

We're houored to be #X on teh #BestWorkplaces {Best Workplaces in Technology™} List in {2022} by @GPTW_US. This isn't possible without our amazing team aound the world! #GPTWcertified

Copy Text

Still Have Questions?

Contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Amplify your employees’ stories on the world’s biggest company culture social media date.

This is a page with stuff on it.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ut rutrum magna. In non malesuada lectus. Mauris in ante pulvinar, semper turpis hendrerit, commodo magna. Nulla sit amet volutpat nisi. Vivamus suscipit egestas bibendum. Mauris augue tortor, ultricies eu pharetra at, finibus nec justo. Integer feugiat vehicula dui, non malesuada mi vestibulum eu. Praesent vel ex tempus, hendrerit urna ac, tempus quam. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer scelerisque lorem imperdiet, finibus sem id, rutrum libero. Donec quis hendrerit velit, gravida tincidunt ligula.

Aliquam dictum semper dignissim. Proin eleifend sed magna ut venenatis. Sed semper erat non elementum tempus. Mauris in ipsum sapien. Etiam dapibus, massa vel euismod malesuada, erat lorem dapibus enim, vitae imperdiet nisi ex eu tortor. Maecenas risus nibh, porttitor ac nisi vitae, ultricies ultricies mauris. Proin egestas nulla et rhoncus tempor. Maecenas dictum est in ex porta vehicula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eu neque justo. Quisque quis eros ac sapien dictum congue vel vel velit. Nunc vitae lectus sem. Fusce quis laoreet lacus. Aenean ultrices facilisis ornare. Nunc ut nunc velit. Pellentesque vel dapibus nisl.

Donec ut ipsum augue. Curabitur maximus, nisi in ultricies congue, augue nisl dignissim lacus, vel iaculis libero nisi quis velit. Maecenas lacus mauris, euismod condimentum lacus quis, pellentesque pharetra eros. Quisque tincidunt ligula vitae dui convallis, interdum fermentum quam luctus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque vel venenatis justo, a vestibulum augue. Aenean viverra turpis ligula. Maecenas non quam ligula. Maecenas felis risus, placerat a erat id, sagittis ultricies sapien. Integer a tempus est. Fusce nec eleifend diam, vel elementum tortor.

Nam accumsan ipsum sed velit ullamcorper ornare. Vestibulum a velit sed odio viverra dignissim. Proin eu felis metus. Maecenas ac nisl vel felis posuere pulvinar. Vivamus pharetra, justo ut auctor ultrices, sapien ipsum fringilla velit, vel rutrum mauris nibh id lacus. Integer dapibus ullamcorper libero, non venenatis neque. Mauris risus odio, ornare id vehicula id, tincidunt vel mauris. Aenean lobortis ornare ullamcorper. Pellentesque eros arcu, commodo sit amet maximus ut, aliquet placerat leo. Praesent sed est mollis, aliquam mauris vel, tincidunt arcu. Nulla eleifend leo metus, eu consectetur ligula ullamcorper vitae. Etiam lacinia convallis turpis eget venenatis. Ut dapibus ut nibh cursus mattis. Sed id convallis quam. Vestibulum tincidunt, nisi sed blandit aliquet, justo nunc fermentum quam, sollicitudin elementum lectus enim non velit.

Aliquam aliquet enim enim, eget bibendum turpis placerat eu. Pellentesque sit amet interdum tortor, ut porttitor velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam rhoncus lectus sed odio semper blandit. Maecenas lacus augue, malesuada in lorem vitae, ornare facilisis ipsum. Curabitur a lectus elementum, sagittis mauris eget, viverra nulla. Curabitur viverra rhoncus purus id auctor. Sed mauris diam, fringilla vitae sagittis eget, dapibus eget neque. Morbi euismod nulla bibendum nisi scelerisque, ac euismod dolor luctus. Suspendisse et nunc sed tellus venenatis suscipit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.