Employee Well-being
What is employee well-being and why is it important?
Employee well-being means looking beyond people’s physical health and the type of work they do. Employee well-being is important because when employees consistently have positive experiences across the five areas that contribute to a high level of well-being, they can flourish inside and outside of work. According to a Great Place To Work® and Johns Hopkins University survey of over 14,000 people from 37 countries, employee well-being affects employee retention and employee referrals.Key takeaways
- Employee well-being is more complex than physical health and the nature of one’s job
- Promoting employee well-being requires
consistent listening and measuring with practices such as regular employee surveys
- Employee well-being is a key predictor of employee retention and employee referrals
- Employee well-being is made up of 5 dimensions
including emotional support, purpose, financial health and meaningful connections.
Employee well-being is a predictor of employee retention and referrals
Employees who experience high levels of well-being in the workplace are 3 times more likelyto intend to stay with their employer.
Employees who experience high levels of well-being in the workplace are 3 times more likely to recommend their employer to others.
How to promote employee well-being in the workplace
After researching the practices of Certified™ great workplaces and employee surveys, 6 key practices can help managers improve employee well-being.Read more
5 dimensions of employee well-being
By creating a climate of mental and emotional support, personal support, financial health and meaningful connections, business leaders can provide a foundation for positive well-being that allows employees to flourish.
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Only 1 out of 6 U.S. employees flourishing at work
9 employee well-being programs from the 100 Best companies
Employees flourish thanks to well-being programs spanning everything from financial wellness to thoughtful onboarding practices.
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